• 8 Tricks to Boost Your AdSense Earnings in 2018

    Monetizing a WordPress website with AdSense isn’t difficult, and the key is generating enough traffic to earn a substantial income from your efforts. Adopting a few important AdSense tricks and best practices can help boost earnings while you focus on ramping up your website traffic. These eight tricks will help you secure ads that are highly relevant to your content and will readily engage website visitors through clicks and conversions.

    Use Colors Wisely
    Colors play a big role in AdSense earnings. Many experts recommend using a color palette that blends in or complements your website design, because website visitors may avoid clicking on links or images that are obviously advertisements. That said, what works for one may not work for another, so the key is to experiment until you find the right combination of colors and contrast that produces the most revenue.

    Use A/B or Multivariate Testing
    As with colors, testing multiple variations on your ad unit sizes, keywords, layout, and other elements is an incredibly useful exercise that can boost AdSense earnings quickly. Optimize AdSense performance through A/B and multivariate testing, such as placing ads above or below your content. Then compare the performance of text ads versus display ads in different placements to identify which variations will earn you the most revenue.

    Place Ad Units Within Page Content
    Having high quality, relevant content on your website is essential for earning more money with AdSense. When you have high-quality content that attracts readers, placing ad units strategically within the content can encourage clicks and boost your earnings. Relevant AdSense ads further engage readers and can generate more clicks than ad units placed in sidebars, above, or below content, which some visitors may ignore.

    Use Section Targeting for Highly Relevant Ads
    Section targeting tells Google’s web crawlers specifically which areas of your website content to explore, and it’s this content that determines ad placements based on relevance. Section targeting helps reduce issues such as ads for vacuum cleaners appearing alongside an article about the joys of kayaking. Instead, this helps to show ads for things like backpacking gear, swimwear, guided kayaking and whitewater rafting trips, and other relevant products and services that are far more likely to be of interest to your readers.

    Increase Ad Unit Sizes
    Even if you’re not yet generating tons of traffic to your blog or website, you can make your ads perform better by making them more visible to the visitors you do receive. One of the most effective methods for increasing the visibility, and thus, clicks, on AdSense ads is to increase your ad unit sizes. This gives ads a more prominent presence on the page, making them more difficult for visitors to ignore. Additionally, use as many ad units on each page as your page layout permits.

    Evaluate Your Website with Heat Maps
    A/B and multivariate testing are not the only tests that can help boost AdSense earnings. Heat maps show you where visitors’ eyes are drawn immediately upon landing on your website and where they typically travel next. A heat map test reveals the best locations for placing ad units, based on where your visitors look first and spend the most time on your web pages.

    Use Custom Channels to Group Related Content
    If your website has several content sections or categories, using custom channels is an excellent tactic for increasing the relevance of AdSense ads and making your website more visible and attractive to advertisers. Additionally, custom channels are often used to evaluate the performance of different content sections or ad units, allowing you to identify the content, ad positions, and other variables that produce the greatest returns.

    Keep Your Content Fresh
    Ultimately, more visitors often translates to more AdSense earnings. Publishing and promoting new content attracts readers, giving loyal followers a reason to return to your website and increasing your visibility with new audiences. Publish new blog posts or static content pages regularly, but don’t stop there. Distribute your content and promote it across your social networks to establish a larger audience and attract more visitors.

    Making more money with AdSense doesn’t have to be a marathon. There are many ways to experiment with AdSense, implement different variations of ad types, placements, and colors, and even off-site strategies that can boost your AdSense revenue. These simple tricks and tips can boost your AdSense earnings substantially in a short time.

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